Eco-Schools Programme

Eco-Schools Programme

Eco-Schools is a school-based environmental management, certification and sustainable development education programme implemented in over 52 countries. Key features of the programme are holisitic, participatory approach and a combination of learning and action which make it an ideal way for schools to embark on a meaningful path for improving the environment in both the school and local community, and to influence the lives of young people, school staff, families, local authorities and NGOs. This also benefits the school in terms of whole-school development and improvement.

Eco-Schools is about improving environmental management at the school, as well as environmental learning. Educators draw on practical projects to strengthen environmental learning at the school. Each year the school strives to improve on their efforts, thereby qualifying for the internationally recognised symbol of excellence, the Eco-Schools Flag.


St Mary's DSG registered with the Eco-Schools Programme in 2014. After establishing a committee of Junior School staff, Senior School staff and parents, the first project identified was the implementation of the 3 recycling bin system in the classroom. During the first year, learners were taught about recycling processes, effect on the environment and how we could make a change. St Mary's DSG was awarded a BRONZE LEVEL at the end of 2014.

In the second year, the beginnings of a vegetable garden was started in both the Junior and Senior School. The gardens were maintained by the learners and all produce was donated to a local charity kitchen. In 2015, Bophelo Recycling Village was built taking recycling on the school property to a new level. We achieved our Green Flag at the end of 2016 with the introduction of the Annual Eco market, the Grade 9 Outreach Vegetable Garden Project to Hammanskraal and the Junior School WESSA week. As a community we have continued to maintain and integrate the WESSA Eco School goals in our learning. St Mary’s DSG was awarded PLATINUM Level 3 in 2021.


Date: Thursday, 03 November 2022 14:06