Advanced Programme English
Advanced Programme English is an additional English course for learners who are interested in extending themselves through the study of English Literature. It will both stretch and stimulate learners in a very broad academic enrichment course. Candidates must display greater knowledge and depth of insight than is required for English Home Language at the NSC. An intense level of commitment is required as it extends beyond the syllabus and outside the classroom. Even though the skills acquired will make NSC English more accessible, they will demand more work than classroom English. It is seen as ideal but not exclusively for those learners who want to pursue an English course at tertiary level.
The AP learner will:
Draw on the recommended texts as well as other texts that they have encountered.
Be encouraged to draw broadly on their experience of a variety of texts.
Be able to apply their knowledge, compare and contrast, analyse and critique both seen and unseen texts.
Be able to reflect philosophically on the texts they have studied.
Learning Outcomes
Establishing connections between different genres, texts, trends and contexts.
Structuring arguments and insights in a coherent manner using accurate textual references.
Using cognitive skills to design critical judgements.
AP English is different:
AP English is delivered in a different way to NSC English. NSC demands are for candidates to respond to one text in a question; AP questions expect a response to incorporate an understanding of multiple texts. Learners will be expected to display an independence of spirit. Learners will display an attitude of self-reliance.
Structure and Weighting
Candidates will only write one 3 hour final examination at the end of Grade 12. Three essay questions which are each worth 100 marks: Poetry is compulsory; candidates choose 2 out of 3 of the following options:
Candidates will need to read broadly across their chosen sections to be able to do justice to the demands of the questions. Studying one text is unlikely to be sufficient preparation for the rigour of the questions.
Question 1 - 100 Marks:
Rebellion and Revolution as a broad theme: This will be an essay in which candidates respond to stimuli which relate to the theme and to the range of texts that they have studied. Candidates must select texts they have studied from two of the following sections: prose, drama or film (in the film category, you will be expected to comment on directorial concerns).
Question 2 - 100 Marks:
A comparative response to two of the prescribed poets or schools of poetry. This will be an essay in which candidates respond to a quotation or a visual which they must use as a departure point to discuss the schools of poetry which they have studied.
Question 3 - 100 Marks:
A question which will provide candidates with a quotation or visual stimulus which they can use as a springboard to reflect philosophically on their reading history. Candidates can draw on texts beyond the Advanced Programme to respond to this question.
Essays will not have a word limit. Candidates need to ensure that they can respond to the three questions in the three hours provided. Responses will be characterised by a strong own voice.
Contact Time
The girls will meet once a week to be presented with topics and discuss texts as set out. Preparation and reading of all the given texts will be essential. Attendance is vital. Class tasks will be completed for preparation of examination but will not be used for formal assessment, but as guidance on progress.
Advanced Programme English is offered in Grade 10, Grade 11 and Grade 12. The subject will be launched in the second term of Grade 10 when applications will be processed. It is recommended that girls interested in the subject should maintain a 70% average for Core English. This can be monitored at the end of Grade 10 and Grade 11.
The APE result is certified separately by the IEB and cannot be used for entrance into universities (i.e. it does not form part of the APS score required by universities). It is strongly recommended that a candidate should re-evaluate their enrolment in advanced programme english if any of their national senior certificate subjects fall below 60% for grade 12.